A society is evil when the majority, more than 50%, prefer making fun of someone who is suffering than helping him/her. Making fun is not a random behavior that can be dismissed. It shows emotional distance and detachment from the suffering.
Empathy is what keeps us humans from devouring each other. If the level of empathy is low, then we devour each other emotionally not physically. We seize opportunities to have fun as the most important thing in the world by any means possible.
We want to feel superior to another human being, express how silly and weak they are, and how we are smarter than him/her by being able to avoid suffering.
I’m always amazed by people’s ignorance. I had no idea how deep and dangerous the dismissal, the misunderstanding of each other, and the narrow-mindedness were.
I don’t want to seem arrogant and fall into the same mistake of wanting to be superior but this is my genuine perception. I don’t think I’m superior in all areas of Life, but intellectually I’m blessed more than the majority of people. I have my shortcomings in many practical areas of Life.
Social life is disgusting when the people who have good values are the minority, less than 50%. Good values are not determined by any specific doctrine. I’m talking about good values as values that encourage wanting a good life for others, helping the ones who are suffering or struggling, and doing what keeps harmony and a good environment for living together.
Unfortunately, I have never met someone in my whole life who praises his/her society’s values. Values are disappearing in front of self-interest, selfishness, and narcissism. I met fanatics about some political views or about religions but never about empathy. I talked to thousands of people and kept studying all types of people for more than 12 years. Empathy is generally low nowadays. Before 1950 and the Industrial Revolution, norms were imposed onto people socially, but at the same time, they were forced to care about each other. Yes, it’s contrary to a liberal view of the world and freedoms, but empathy is a skill, not only an innate attribute.
Empathy needs to be developed in society, proposed by wise social agents who are aware of its importance and are ready to supervise its mainstream.
Practical ways of fostering empathy will come to the surface once our hearts ❣️ have gone out from the darkness and are ready to receive emotional light.
I will keep this post short. It’s pessimistic and dark but a big picture of Social reality needs to be displayed for awareness and better decision making. Especially in the era of digital sharing when we give knowledge to everyone, the good and the evil people.
This post is more aggressive than my usual posts but this can happen from time to time when the topic is dangerous and critical. So it requires strong analytical skills and an assertive approach. Until the next post, good bye!
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