Psychology of Religious Tolerance

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Religious Tolerance is a denomination that underlies many aspects of commonality, acceptance, passive manipulation, anti religious fanatics, atheist veils, compassion and empathy, plus intellectual and deep discussions/debates. I wouldn’t mind being a participant in a form of religious Tolerance as I consider myself Open minded regarding many topics when I can see the big picture and many angles/perspectives. To be religiously tolerant is to understand that your filters of reality and Truth are subjective. They are affected by the type of Logic you possess, your brain wiring, your dedication to find the Truth, the logical or emotional truth, your capacity to see multiple angles to complete the puzzle and connect different pieces in the bigger picture. True, our Wiring/Cognitive functions are undeniably a critical factor in how we make decisions, process information and come up with conclusions. However, quests for meaning, chase of knowledge and motivation to be right are also environmental and circumstantial attributes that are flexible, “stretchable”, and can be on “Yo-Yo” trajectory for some people. Therefore, moving on to religion, implies awareness of all these previous elements. So confrontation with different opinions, points of view and conclusions will be less like a confrontation and more of a call to understand a different mind and a longing to connect to a different Divine soul.

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