Multiple Life partners

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In the past, men had access to resources a lot more than women. Nowadays, women, consciously or unconsciously, try to do the same. This access to resources, intellectual or material ones, is directly correlated to how many Life partners a man or a woman wants or thinks they want, need, or think they need. An extroverted man was and is Known to desire more than a life partner. An extroverted woman was not known to desire more than one but currently expresses it as much as possible. In the past, she was fulfilling this desire in secret, in general. Introverts get confused about these desires. They don’t understand or don’t want to understand how their partner can love them, but look for someone else to love at the same time. We are talking about Life partners as Lovers, not another type of relationship that is mostly sexual, money-based, or another type of bond other than Love and emotional intimacy.

Let’s try to break down this complex issue with the help of the 16 types of personality models:

E**P types, Men or Women, are extroverts who seek novelty in their Life, frequently, on a regular basis. Being tied to one concept, to one item, is psychologically hard to endure as it is simply against their cognitive setup. This naturally translates into having more than one Life partner.

More in detail, their cognitive Logical functions are in 2nd or 3rd positions. They are competing with their Feeling functions, which are in 2nd or 3rd positions, and with the 1st dominant function craving novelty. Therefore, resisting the desire to have more than one Life partner is a lost cause. However, for those who are uncomfortable with this statement and maybe see the opposite happening in real life, they are right. In my observation, these couples have children. The extroverted parent becomes remarkably close emotionally to one of the children to the point of not needing another Life partner. The initial desire is fulfilled in another WAY.

Moving on to the E**J types. They are managers who have always access to the 2 types of resources: intellectual and material. They can be inclined to abuse their managerial power or position unless there is an infrastructure: an institution, an enforced policy, or a tradition/social norm that is strong enough to hold them back. Otherwise, they can be hyper-productive or the opposite manipulative. In this last scenario, they will see no harm in having more than one Life partner if not many more, but their attention is divided toward these multiple life partners.

This is valid obviously for E**J men. However, the E**J women percentage in the world is exceptionally low except for ESFJ, but still, the E**J women population is not representative of women, and they are not understood correctly by society. Thus, their desires are not usually satisfied in relationships. They are always hoping and hoping for more intense emotional connections. Unfortunately, this doesn’t happen often so they become aggressive towards many people, especially ESTJ and ENTJ women. For ESFJ and ENFJ, their emotional needs are so high that no single man on earth can satisfy them by himself. So, they look for emotions from other women since they are usually close to and leaders of some group of women. If nothing holds them, they will be in lesbian relationships with or without male life partners. Multiple male life partners were difficult in practice and still are, even if accepted in some societies as exceptions.

Now the introverts: 1st category the I**P: The very loyal life partners. When they commit, they commit fully otherwise they leave the relationship very quickly. An I**P male is extremely focused on their life partner, doesn’t look somewhere else, and doesn’t feel the need or think to do so. Of course, we assume that the relationship is working from his point of view. Also, the I**P men are not that common, except for ISTP. So, when they find someone they love, they better hold on to them otherwise they will and can continue in a Lifestyle without a Life partner.

For I**P females, they commit strongly like men when they find someone they love. The ISFP and INFP females are numerous in the population on Earth. The irony is that they can enter into relationships for too many reasons other than Love. So, they are always craving Love when they do so as they have a dominant Introverted feeling Fi that is impossible to ignore. Therefore, to have multiple male life partners, one after one, is something acceptable for them. Especially if none of the men satisfies their emotional needs. However, when they find the “one” for them, they are happy to commit and forget about the rest.

The other 2 I**P women are, on the opposite, rare: ISTP and INTP. They are not representative of women at all. So, they have their own struggles. They are misunderstood, to say the least. If they find a man, masculine enough, who is capable of dealing with them properly, they are more than happy to commit with conviction and determination. Multiple male life partners are not a normal option, but lesbian relationships can be amazingly easy. Will they be satisfied with these relationships? It’s a question that only they can answer. From the outside, nobody knows what these women really think.

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