Modern women fantasy

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Women support each other a lot. Men compete against each other a lot. This is both good and bad.

Let’s see when it becomes bad:

First the controversial topic of hardcore feminism. It’s a topic that’s dealt with essentially with emotions, not with critical objective thinking.

Yes, many modern women “feel” they are victims of men’s patriarchal society. Other women crave the traditional man who takes care of them no matter what and believe it’s his duty to do so. There’s no right or wrong belief in these two approaches. From a psychological standpoint, it’s very normal to have these two opposite views. Simply, the more a woman is feminine, the more she wants a more masculine traditional man. The more a woman is masculine the more she will look for a feminine modern man.

When I say masculine traditional man, I don’t mean that modern men are feminine by default. No. To say it bluntly, they have been programmed to live a sedentary lifestyle that keeps their testosterone low. In general, women perform better in a sedentary lifestyle because of their biology and psychology. Of course, a lot of women hate the sedentary lifestyle but we are just talking about the majority and trying to have a big picture and overview of the mainstream.

Modern women are against the sedentary lifestyle at home but accept it in the workplace. Yes, they may go to the gym often, but they focus mainly on their look in the first place, then their health. While some women are athletic or have a healthy body, the majority of modern women still have a sedentary lifestyle in the workplace not at home. They just changed the location. Away from the husband and now under the boss who orders a lot of work on a computer.

An independent “strong” woman is a wonderful concept in theory, but in practice, it’s the manifestation of unhappiness in women’s relationships for women who are **F * in MBTI language. Caring too much about a company because it’s my only source of income is understandable but only until I reach stability. I should reach a level of stability soon in the workplace. It’s not good for my psychology to keep fighting. Yes, I can “fight,” but it’s not good for me. Why I should keep fighting? More money? Unfortunately, it’s a psychological trap. Being psychologically stable means having enough money to cover my needs as a woman and not being a slave to anyone. However, sacrificing relationships to have more money is a big mistake when it comes to happiness. As a woman, who’s a Feeler (**F* in MBTI language), relationships should be more important than more money. I have a lot of potential in building relationships than generating money. For women who are thinkers (***T* in MBTI language), it’s the opposite, but they are a minority.

Thinkers women should focus on their jobs more than relationships. Agreed. However, many ENFPs believe they are thinkers because they use Extroverted thinking Te a lot. Since the workplace rewards mainly high Te users and High Ti users, ENFP women behave like they have high Te which is an unsustainable behavior. It’s only a matter of time until they bet burned out. For real thinkers, women like ESTJ, INTJ, and ISTJ, it’s not a problem. I didn’t mention the other thinkers women because they are even more rare.

So the problem is when a woman doesn’t know herself and believes she can’t do things that she can and assumes she can do things that she can’t. Her evaluations are wrong whether with good intentions or with the delusional voices around her.

Therefore, a modern woman is supported by hardcore feminism whether she’s right or wrong. Whether it’s good for her or not, Hardcore feminism doesn’t care. What they care about a lot is the “image” and”status” of a woman in Society, not whether she’s happy or not. So women support each other a lot and also fight a lot. But in general, when it comes to modern values that are related to a woman’s status, they support each other by default without trying to understand if she’s a victim or a criminal. This is the toxic influence of hardcore feminism. Of course, not all women are like that but many women who think they are modern, thus superior, behave this way.

I’m not attacking women, of course, but indeed, some of them will read very quickly a few half sentences and call me a Misogynist. It’s the way it is in the world now. For me, I am defending their happiness, caring to talk about their problems and struggles, and giving my subjective solutions. However, there’s always one woman or more who will call me and other men misogynists without even thinking. Most women have the potential to be sources of Beauty, joy, creativity, spatial intelligence, emotional intelligence and deep caring.

When they give up their potential and start competing in fields that they are not naturally strong in, all society loses. This doesn’t mean mean they should not develop themselves in all areas they are interested in. Improving themselves in anything is very good for their psychology but constant competition is negative.

Thinkers women can do “masculine” jobs. Feelers women can but they will suffer after a certain time.

So I hope women will choose what makes them happy, what taps perfectly into their potential regardless of it’s approved or not by hardcore feminism.

Hardcore feminism is not the only movement who cares about women. A lot of men care genuinely about women and no, they don’t care about them to have sex with them in return. They want to feel appreciated and cared for in return, yes, true: it’s a universal human need anyway.

Now let’s talk about men who by default don’t support each other. They can respect and praise another man successful if he’s in another environment. However, if this man becomes successful in their environment they can feel jaleous, competitive, want to put him down sometimes and don’t support him. Not all men do it but many will. Of course some women do it also but in general only in their close circle. Yes the circle in our digital era is getting bigger, so take that into consideration. Men can be competitive towards many men which is a healthy trait for a man. It’s not healthy when negative emotions are attached to the competition.

Overall, men in modern Western societies, according to scientific studies and statistics, became more feminine compared to their ancestors. Of course, it is mainly due to the sedentary lifestyle, not having a proper outlet for their emotions or aggressivity, and being shamed by hardcore feminists who think men should be more feminine. A man in touch with his emotions should not be translated as being Feminine. Emotional intelligence makes it possible for men to improve without becoming feminine.

A reminder again: When I say masculine or feminine, I mean predominantly masculine or feminine. Of course, both genders have masculine and feminine energy all the time.

A [**T*] man biologically and psychologically is supposed to be masculine and a woman [**F*] biologically and psychologically is supposed to be feminine. They are the majority of people on Earth.

A [**F*] man is still supposed to be masculine but he needs to have a higher emotional intelligence than a [**T*] man. So he’s more feminine than other men but not to the point of becoming Feminine like an [**F*] woman.

A [**T*] woman is still supposed to be feminine but her logic/rationale and capacity of thinking must be higher than a [**F*] woman. So she’s more masculine than other women but not to the point of becoming Masculine like an (**T*) man.

This concludes this article. I hope you enjoyed it and got something useful. If you don’t agree with me because you don’t want to, that’s fine. I can still be friend with you 😀. If you think I’m wrong, I would be happy to hear you respectful comments 🙂

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