Introduction of the Blog:
This blog is an original mix of personal insights, scientific results, autobiography, and storytelling.
The author, me, doesn’t intend to follow any common way of writing. On the contrary, the more personal, original, and creative, the better it is for me. For people that look for commonality, I don’t advise reading this Blog as it can be difficult to understand or, the opposite, very relatable but psychologically hard to endure as it will trigger insecurities and truths that you tried to bury for years. Other than that, I would be incredibly happy to have readers who are up for the challenge or are looking for unique ways to see and interpret the world while accurately portraying people and situations.
I’m noticeably confident in the prominent level of originality in my writing, but at the same time, I write with simple, common US English. I don’t like using what we call “snobby writing” or employing rare words. I do have a scientific background of 12 years of self-education, 6 years PhD, and an engineering degree. However, the science that I like is the one that can benefit people directly in the near future, not the one that benefits only institutions.
This introduction is meant to get closer to you, as a reader, upfront and give you the choice to get closer or stay away without the need to use any manipulative marketing or insincere thoughts. All my writing is, by default, genuine and a personal expression. Otherwise, I will hate writing and don’t have a reason to write anymore. I don’t enjoy fiction if I don’t see any link with reality. I used to watch only movies that describe people’s situations or deal with social matters including romantic and comedy movies and series. Never Science fiction or horror movies, only action movies that describe some futuristic technology that is relatable.
My background is unusual as it is shaped primarily by self-education and personal analysis. So, my writing is a personal extension that unveils and reveals an inside world that is unique. All introverts have a rich internal world but need a proper outlet to share it with the “external world”. I will keep this introduction short hoping that we can connect and that my insights in this writing will be useful to you to be a better version of yourself or start seeing another part of the world with a new angle that you didn’t have access to before. I use Carl Jung’s analytical psychology, the cognitive functions of the 16 personality types, and the Myers Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) models to analyze people with my personal analysis and other mentors’/experts’ insights.
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