Simed berrada Alami is passionate about:
✓ understanding people on a deeper level
✓ personal development
✓ health mental & physical
He has a strong interest in
✓ human development
✓ creating a better knowledge for the near future.
He exercises often while diving into his thoughts under the sun 🌞. He used to listen to many podcasts & music.
He needs novelty and intellectual stimulation in his Life.
Podcasts: Personal development & any new project he was starting.
Sport: Outdoor exercise, Hiking, cycling, tennis, basketball.
He automatically profiles/analyzes people that are interesting to him.
Some people see him as having a kind energy & fun spirit, and he appreciates exploring the world of ideas or learning & growing regularly.
He has & chooses his ideas 💡and beliefs. He follows trends only when he considers it’s right. He thinks for himself, and he loves advice and constructive criticism, but he controls his time and his way of thinking. He gets energized by creating new ideas and making them useful for people in need ❣️.
For his friends, He supports them intellectually and emotionally with honesty and compassion.
He analyzes & organizes his ideas and pauses to ponder and filter his conclusions and decisions all the time. He loves discussions about social issues and looking for solutions to people’s problems. He needs alone time to process his visions and experiences.
He’s a researcher and problem solving oriented.
🍁Traditional education:
🍀 Engineering degree in Electricity, automation and IT.
🍀 6 years of scientific research in a PhD thesis about Solar energy, water and Agriculture. Phd not completed because of eye health and Brain 🧠 damage reasons. He published the peer reviewed article/research as an ebook on Amazon instead that you can find on this website.
He participated in a lot of conferences, workshops, online meetups and international exchange.
🍁Self education: 14 years of research/analysis about self development including:
4 years Psychology
6 years Health & Food
4 years Religions & Spirituality
He’s an INFJ.