These pictures are of the Wonderful movie “My Name is Kahn”.
I rarely have tears in my eyes but this movie has its magic. I relate a lot to Asperger’s syndrome and to having an independent Faith. This movie is so full of humanity and tolerance that I don’t get to see it in my everyday Life.
Narrow-mindedness is growing despite the torrent of information we consume every day. We became a lot more skeptical because we didn’t have time to understand other people on a deeper level. It either clicks in the beginning of the acquaintance or there’s no hope for a connection.
“My Name is Kahn” is a beautiful package of lessons for Humans who forget what is uniting them and focus on the differences and what can go wrong based on the News, Social media, and propaganda they hear and consume with little critical thinking.
I’m pointing out, not blaming.
I don’t want to make the same mistake of not trying to understand the other person in front of me.
If we think that making this effort is exhausting, then we don’t value Humans and relationships enough.
Cutting down the chase of Utopia or the perfect world, I and this movie recognize that it is not about perfection but rather all the reactions that happen after the mistakes have been made.
Looking for perfection is a dead end but striving for the best version is an aim that shouldn’t be forfeited easily.
Running after ideals and values is uncomfortable and exhausting for some personality types. However, what is expected from them is looking for balance and understanding themselves enough to get back on track whenever Troubles caused to others are displayed in front of them.
Tolerance and Tolerating include understanding others not faking, “I don’t bother you so I accept you on the surface”.
This movie is giving us lessons, I’m here to endorse them. Few movies are 2h45 immersion into a wonderful realistic Character who has strong amazing values. everyone around him is uplifted thanks to them.
Asperger’s is hindering normal social connections, making eye contact very uncomfortable, and understanding people and his emotions is a constant challenge. He writes down his feelings so he can get a glimpse of what’s happening inside. It’s wonderful to see how his ENFP Hindu wife with her lively energy, kindness, quick wit, big-picture intuition, and beauty can see his whole personality and decides to continue her life journey with him as a central part along with her Son. She stands next to him in difficult racist and close-minded times from many people in U. S. A. She and He knows that this is their country and that they belong despite the incapacity of many to see clearly and to try to understand.
Autism and Asperger’s are not diseases. They present deficits in daily practical matters of Routine Life and managing internal emotions but are linked to high intellectual Levels, Logical thinking, analysis, and Creativity.
When less misunderstood and welcomed, “Aspies” can do amazing things that no one other than them can do. So this is my Shout and Claim that Neuro divergence is a lot more prevalent in all societies. We are just not equipped intellectually to see it clearly and how it manifests.
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